Dr. Bigelow takes a deep dive into Excalibur™

Written by AQUA-AID Solutions | Mar 16, 2021 9:09:27 AM
Sam Green, President of AQUA-AID Solutions and Dr. Cale Bigelow, Professor, Purdue University introduces Excalibur™ the next generation, rapid response soil surfactant.
Gain an understanding on what separates the technology of Excalibur from any other surfactant in the turf industry and what benefits this provides your agronomic program. Be introduced to what powers Excalibur, PHT Technology® or Potentiated Hydrophobe Technology. 

WATCH: Excalibur™ stands out at the WGC Workday Championship

Review the research conducted by Dr. Bigelow that showcases Excalibur's 6 TIMES greater infiltration rate than other leading industry surfactants. Sam Green will provide insights into programs and the recent success of Excalibur at Concession Golf Club which hosted the PGA Tour's WGC Workday Championship this past February.