Using PBS150 to create efficiencies at your facility
Take your surfactant beyond the turf. Utilizing PBS150® with your potted and bedded plants will help gain efficiencies in your operation. Making regular applications of PBS150 will help reduce the amount of water needing to be applied to your plants, providing savings in both water and labor.
Option 1 - Potted plants
- 1 - 2% solution of PBS150 (For one gallon of water add 1.25 to 2.5 oz of PBS150)
- Water your plants with this solution every 30 - 45 days
Option 2 - bedded plants
- Handheld sprayer (assuming it is calibrated to 1 gallon per 1000 sqft)
- Using a handheld sprayer apply 5oz of PBS150 per gallon
- Spray soil areas around bedded plants
- Water plants immediately
- Re-apply every 50 to 60 days