Solutions 4 Turf

Excalibur™ stands out at the WGC Workday Championship

Posted by AQUA-AID Solutions on Feb 26, 2021 7:00:59 AM
AQUA-AID Solutions
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Terry Kennelly, Golf Course Superintendent at Concession Golf Club, host of this week's PGA Tour WGC Workday Championship shares his success with Excalibur™ in preparing for the tournament. Terry and his TEAM had 42 days to prepare for the event as the alternate site for the Tour. 

WATCH: Excalibur next generation soil surfactant

Excalibur is a next generation rapid response soil surfactant that delivers rapid infiltration and consistent dry-down. Excalibur helps achieve consistent hydration as well as superior rehydration. The unique infiltration-rehydration characteristics of Excalibur will provide unparalleled soil moisture responsiveness.

Topics: Golf Course, Putting greens, Excalibur