Topics: Golf Course, Moisture Management, Research, Ontario Seed Company
Webinar April 14th: Hey! What's going on down there?
Hey! What's going on down there?
In the past decade, significant research advances have begun to unravel relationships between soil, water, nutrients, and the diversity plant-microbe-soil fauna and plant to plant interactions right beneath our feet.
We’re now beginning to get a glimpse of these interactions and their consequence on turfgrass performance particularly under stress conditions.
The goal of this seminar is to distill down this cutting-edge research and translate its relationship to current production issues, including how certain surface-active agents influence plant root exudates, modify the rhizosphere, and enhance turf resilience.
Examples will be drawn from “in field’ evaluations on novel soil surfactant technology and industry standards.
Earn .1 GCSAA CEU points by watching the video.
Topics: Golf Course, Research, Zoom, Mucilage, rhizosphere
Podcast: Catching up with our partners North of the Border
Topics: Golf Course, Moisture Management, Research, Ontario Seed Company
Webinar: Research Review with Dr. Martin - Evaluation of Excalibur on Performance of Divanem Nematicide
Research Review with Dr. Martin - How Excalibur Potentiates Divanem for Nematode Treatments
In this recorded webinar, Dr Martin, Professor Emeritus of plant pathology, Clemson University will discuss his evaluation of Excalibur on the performance of Divanem nematicide.
Excalibur has proven to be an exceptional moisture management tool for turf managers across a variety of turfgrass systems. Turf managers have experienced measurable improvements over competing surfactants in the areas of moisture uniformity, volumetric water content consistency over a period of time and increased surface firmness when on an Excalibur program. Turf managers have experienced a healthier, greener turfgrass plant that is providing a playing surface that has required less inputs.
Dr. Martin shares his evaluation of Excalibur and the ability to potentiate the performance of Divanem for nematodes. In this webinar, you will see how root length and plant health dramatically increased when Excalibur was used with a Divanem program.
For questions on how to incorporate Excalibur in your turf program, we welcome you to reach out to one of our AQUA-AID Solutions reps. You can find them HERE
Topics: Golf Course, Research, Excalibur, Zoom, Nematodes, Divanem
Webinar: Soil Water Repellency - Just the Facts
Soil Water Repellency - Just the Facts
In this recorded webinar, Dr Bigelow of Purdue University talks soil water repellency.
Soil water repellency - The causes, development how it affects preferential flow and critical water content. Managing soil water repellency. Cultural practices, surfactants and best management practices to optimize use.
Earn .1 GCSAA CEU Credits for watching the webinar.
Topics: Golf Course, Research, Excalibur, Zoom