Solutions 4 Turf

Imants joins us at the GCSAA Conference for some new innovations in turfgrass management

Posted by AQUA-AID Solutions on Feb 10, 2022 6:45:41 PM

Felix Peters from Imants joined Sam Green at the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show. Felix shared the innovations that are coming in 2022 to the turfgrass industry. Be sure to follow @Solutions4Turf for more information on these new technologies. 

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Topics: Golf Course, Imants, ShockWave Xtreme, ShockWave

Congratulations #TurfheadsGrilling 2021 Winners

Posted by AQUA-AID Solutions on Jan 5, 2022 2:33:28 PM

Congratulations to our 2021 #TurfheadsGrilling winners. We look forward to continuing in 2022 so look for announcements shortly on how to earn more #TurfheadsGrilling prizes and be entered into monthly and yearly grand prizes. 

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Clear your mind for a fresh start: President's Message

Posted by AQUA-AID Solutions on Jan 3, 2022 4:40:36 AM

New Years gives us an opportunistic and enthusiastic feeling about the year to come and brings a “fresh” start for all. In the turf world most have a “fresh” start on budgets, Agronomic programs, and management techniques. As I write this we are hopeful that STMA and GIS will still be in person and allow us an opportunity to learn new information from our research world as well as an introduction to new products and equipment.

As I wrote in the last quarter update, making sure we have made a way to implement our changes needed in our Agronomic program from the previous year is important. How do we get better is a crucial task that all turf managers need to have the answer for. Remember, the turf manager is similar to our coaches in professional and collegiate sports, what have you done for me lately is the mindset we live in every day. Take the time these first weeks of the year to communicate with your peers either by phone or in person. Discuss your ideas and more importantly listen to their ideas. These discussions I had as a superintendent were beneficial as I always had points made to me that I had not thought about.

In today's world with supply chain issues and with pricing structure all over the board, it is vital that you have a defined plan for the next 12 months. Inventory of what you need across the spectrum of your operation will be more important than ever. Communicate with your vendor partners to insure you will have what you need when you need it.

Finally, make sure you have time to clear your mind after the Holiday season. Make it a goal to have a weekly routine to set aside a time to “clear” your mind. The past two years have brought on additional stress to us all. The Golf business has prospered during the pandemic but it has come with a price on turf managers. I’ve listen to many “turfies” over the past 6 months second guess what they are doing. They are spent….pushing through these unprecedented times in order to deliver quality playing conditions and in many situations dealing with uncontrollable factors thrown at them every day. Remember your mental health is equally important as your physical health.

Cheers from all of us at AQUA-AID Solutions, here’s to a “Fresh” start for us all.

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Topics: Golf Course, sports turf, President's Message

Podcast: Catching up with our partners North of the Border

Posted by AQUA-AID Solutions on Dec 21, 2021 6:06:37 AM
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Topics: Golf Course, Moisture Management, Research, Ontario Seed Company

Webinar: Research Review with Dr. Martin - Evaluation of Excalibur on Performance of Divanem Nematicide

Posted by AQUA-AID Solutions on Nov 15, 2021 7:32:09 AM

Research Review with Dr. Martin - How Excalibur Potentiates Divanem for Nematode Treatments

In this recorded webinar, Dr Martin, Professor Emeritus of plant pathology, Clemson University will discuss his evaluation of Excalibur on the performance of Divanem nematicide.

Excalibur has proven to be an exceptional moisture management tool for turf managers across a variety of turfgrass systems. Turf managers have experienced measurable improvements over competing surfactants in the areas of moisture uniformity, volumetric water content consistency over a period of time and increased surface firmness when on an Excalibur program. Turf managers have experienced a healthier, greener turfgrass plant that is providing a playing surface that has required less inputs.

Dr. Martin shares his evaluation of Excalibur and the ability to potentiate the performance of Divanem for nematodes. In this webinar, you will see how root length and plant health dramatically increased when Excalibur was used with a Divanem program. 

For questions on how to incorporate Excalibur in your turf program, we welcome you to reach out to one of our AQUA-AID Solutions reps. You can find them HERE


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Topics: Golf Course, Research, Excalibur, Zoom, Nematodes, Divanem