Nick Moon, PhD chemist with Milliken discusses the benefits of utilizing the patented, regenerational, multi-branch hydrating surfactant technology.
Using PBS150 Multi-branch hydrating surfactant
Nick Moon, PhD chemist with Milliken discusses the benefits of utilizing the patented, regenerational, multi-branch hydrating surfactant technology.
Topics: PBS150, Surfactant, Hydrating Surfactant, Turfgrass
In an article below original posted from AQUA-AID EU, Alejandro Reyes talks about his decision to use OARS PS as his surfactant for this year's Ryder Cup at Le Golf National.
Topics: Golf Course, Moisture Management, Turfgrass, OARS PS, Ryder Cup, Le Golf National
Alejandro Reyes, Superintendent at Le Golf National discusses efforts and support for this year’s Ryder Cup. AQUA-AID EU is proud to support the efforts of the agronomy program for this great event.
Topics: Moisture Management, OARS PS
Being an age-old soil amendment, lime has undergone major scrutiny over the years. With regards to solubility and availability, lime must navigate major factors to become justifiable as a so-so soil amendment. These factors are soil moisture, oxygen, and soil and air temperature. Microbial activity helps as well. All the conditions that lead to oxidation. How well has the lime been refined and processed? Many think pulverized lime is the best. This type is very inexpensive, but is it the best form? Can you incorporate it into the profile of the root zone?
Topics: Verde-Cal, soil amending, Calcium, soil testing, lime
AQUA•AID Solutions provides customized innovations that solve turf and ornamental challenges by improving soil and plant health. AQUA•AID Solutions' technologically advanced active ingredients with modern equipment technology in Imants offers turf managers synergistic solutions delivering long lasting agronomic value, improved aesthetics and playability.